Creative Writing—One Size Fits All - Fall 2019


Creative Writing—One Size Fits All - Fall 2019

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You’ve always wanted to take a creative writing class. So what’s stopping you now? Creative Writing—One Size Fits All is open to writers of all experience levels and provides a warm, welcoming, and safe environment to explore your creative interests—whether that means dusting off your old projects or jumpstarting something new. All commentary is supportive and focused on helping you recognize and develop your strengths as a writer, regardless of your skill level. Classes begin with a free writing exercise based on prompts, followed by the opportunity for each student to read from previously written material. This combination sparks unique creative energy in each session while also establishing the continuity that comes from sharing a body of work. The result is a class that becomes a community and a support group for your ongoing creative endeavors.

8 Wednesday sessions, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm: Oct 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, 13, 20, Dec 4, 11

Leader: Thomas G. Fiffer