Fiction—Works in Progress - Fall 2019

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Fiction—Works in Progress - Fall 2019

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There’s nothing like the support and structure of a fiction workshop to help you start that novel you’ve been meaning to write—or finish the one you’re already writing. Fiction—Works in Progress is your weekly forum for sharing your work with other writers and getting the feedback you need to strengthen your characters, polish your description, and fine-tune your plot. Everyone brings a short passage (five pages) to read and review with the class each week, and each student will have at least one opportunity to read and discuss a longer excerpt. Writing a novel is a marathon, not a sprint, and to go the distance, you need support, encouragement, and the discipline of delivering new material each week that a workshop provides. Wherever you are with your novel, we’ll help you move it forward—from dream to draft, from printout to potential bestseller.

8 Thursday sessions, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: Oct 17, 24, 31, Nov 7, 14, 21, Dec 5, 12

Leader: Thomas G. Fiffer